Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Life certainly seems to throw you for a loop here and there. I know everything that we are given is a test to see how we can handle it, but some loops I'm still not ready for. My husband lost his job a week and a half ago. I haven't been working since October by choice. It was a real shock when he came home that Friday night and told me that he had been laid off. The last few weeks have been hard one or both of us stressing about what we are going to do, while the other tells us everything is going to be fine. This last week an opportunity presented by my mother in law looks like one of the best things that can happen to us. A new start in a different state and for really low rent for a year, allowing us a chance to pay off debt and save. I've prayed and it seems to be the right direction to go, so I am fully on board with doing what we need to take advantage of this opportunity, my husband isn't as much. He is more willing to go with it than to make any sudden decisions, things do need to be thought out and that is true, but I wish we could come up with an idea together that will be a goal or a plan for how things go. We are both actively searching for jobs and opportunities I just wish that we had more of an idea of what we are supposed to do. Though staying where we are is a fine option and if that's where the lord wants it than I'm fine with it. But my feelings, heart, and mind tell me that the right thing to do is to take this opportunity.
Today my husband got calls from two different companies for job interviews, now I hope that he gets them but at the same time I feel that these jobs may not be where we are supposed to be. But how do you tell someone this when you know that they are excited about these opportunities and want to stay here and if offered will take the job? I want to settle on the first job we get, I am looking at going back to my former place of work just to make sure we make ends meet before our lease is up. I want to look at not so permanent jobs here, and permanent jobs there. I feel as a child saying I'm better than you or I know more than you or it's my way or the high way attitude. But I feel sick to my stomach when I think of staying in our current place, when we are needed else where. My prayers are constant and true of having the Lord guide us to where we need to be I just don't know to whom or where else we are supposed to go. Maybe we will discover it this week, with the opportunities will has with these interviews. Wish us luck!

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